Most Fiddlers Green buildings come in a folder already formatted in the three most popular scales: Z, N, and HO You can buy a serious whack of them and because they're so easy to put together you can populate your layout in a couple days. To really stretch your modeling budget, cut them diagonally and paste them against your background. Be sure to check out our boring Industrial Buildings that were especially made for a grimy lackluster Industrial Estate.
Paper Weights Explained-With Thanks to Martin Carbone Paper weight is often expressed as the number of pounds for 500 sheets (one ream) of paper in its basis size- -and this basis size is determined by factors that have no relevance to most users. We find this to be confusing, because 20 pound bond paper and 50 pound book paper are almost the same thickness and are often used for identical applications, and yet their weights are said to be vastly different. Thickness is what matters most to the normal user -- weight is only of interest to high volume manufacturers, dealers and buyers who buyand sell paper by the pound or ton.
This is why we try to consistently use thickness to describe paper orcardstock and not the weight. We realize this is almost heretical to the experts in the field -- but it makes more sense to us and is certainly less confusing to newcomers to the field. We hope the experts can adapt.
PAPER AND CARDSTOCK THICKNESSES Copy paper is about .004" thick Lightweight cardstock is about .008" thick. Business cards are about .010" thick Cereal boxes are about .020" thick Standard corrugated boxes are 1/8" thick (.125") although our Boxstar gridprinted corrugated is 30% thicker (.167")